CPS 2025

From 02/01/25 12:00 am until 11/30/25 11:59 pm
Categories: CPS
Hits: 7647
*Please note that this year's year-long CPS tournament will be hosted via TourneyX. You must register and submit your catch through TourneyX link below. 

CPS is a catch-photo-submit tournament that allows you to be involved in a fun online tournament every time you go out to fish.  All you must do is snap a good image on a fish ruler and submit your pic. The event begins February 1st, 2025, and ends Nov 30th, 2025.  Entry for the entire season is $17.50 ($10 entry, $6.50 for TourneyX, $1.00 processing fee) for PAID members of LKFC.  To register click HERE.  Members may enter the tournament anytime during the open period of the contest, but you must be a paid member of LKFC in good standing prior to submitting entries and at the conclusion of the contest. Membership status will be monitored throughout the year so make sure to stay current! Any submissions while membership isn't current will be disqualified. 

Cajun Grand Slam – 4 species - Four species are eligible, but your final score will be made up of your three top individual entries.  Eligible Species include:
  1. Largemouth Bass
  2. Redfish
  3. Speckled Trout
  4. Flounder

The Overall winner of CPS wins a $100 gift card thanks to Pack & Paddle! 
Big Fish Winner in Each Species wins a $100 gift card thanks to Pack & Paddle! 

********************NEW RULE THIS YEAR!!!!!********************
All entrants may use an electric motor on your kayak.  The electric motor may not exceed the lesser of:
   (a) manufacturer's labeled Maximum HP / Thrust Capacity
   (b) 3 HP
   (c) 155 ft-pound thrust
If you are using a motor, your kayak must be legally registered with LDWF.  
   Examples of motors would be:
      -Trolling Motor

Youth Cajun Grand Slam  
Any Paid Club member who has children 16 and under are eligible to participate in Youth Division, same rules apply with Awards to be determined. Paid CPS Club members with Children under 16 are eligible to enter Cajun Grand Slam in all categories. Submissions for Youth category must be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Tournament Scoring
At any time during the contest someone could catch and enter a fish so the fixed points will not be known until the end of the contest. The goal is to get the most points by trying to catch the longest fish in each category.  This makes each species equally important and protects the tournament from being dominated by one long catch.
Scoring Example:
With 60 people entered points will be awarded 1 to 60 for each individual category. The largest fish entered in each category would receive 60 points and the smallest 1 point.  The top conceivable score would be 180 (60 points X 3 fish entered = 180) and only if the same person caught all the largest fish in all categories and entered them first.

Rules and Regs
  1. All catches must be submitted via TourneyX. The 3-digit identifier code MUST be visible within your photo submission, you can have this code on a business card, printed out, written with a marker on the back of your hand or measuring board, etc.
  2. Copy of the entry details will be posted to the web site in January 2025.
  3. Any Entry submitted without complete information will not be considered for entry.
  4. A picture of fish must be submitted along with each Entry (See Photo Submission Rules below).
  5. Photos and entries must be submitted within 48 hours of catch except on last day of event all photos need to be submitted by midnight on Nov 30, 2023.
  6. The 3-digit tournament identifier code is required in each picture with fish and MUST BE CLEARLY VISIBLE.  This 3-digit code will be available on TourneyX January 31st at 5pm and be visible throughout the duration of the event. Date/time of photo submission will be used as a tie breaker to score same size entries.
  7. You can upgrade as many times as needed during the contest.
  8. Fish must be caught in any publicly accessible water in the state of Louisiana.
  9. There are no size and/or "slot" limit, unless you plan on keeping fish, so bull redfish are eligible.
  10. Artificial and live bait, GULP, scent sprays and dips are all allowed.
  11. All anglers must wear an approved PFD and have required USCG safety equipment while competing.   
  12. You are allowed to wade fish or fish from the bank if you are fishing within 100 feet of your launched paddle craft.
  13. Tie Breakers: In the event of a tie in an individual biggest fish category the advantage will be given to the fish submitted earliest (EX: a 20" trout caught on 3/23/23 trumps a 20" trout caught on 7/4/23). In the event of a tie in the overall standings the advantage will be given to the angler that has the highest ranked 4th fish. Catching all 4 species isn't necessary to win overall but can be the deciding factor in a tie. In the event a tie remains, the advantage will be given to the angler whose total aggregate length of ALL fish is greatest. 
Photo Submission Rules:
  1. This fish must be photographed on an approved board:
    • Hawg Trough
    • Ketch Boards
    • Check-it Stick
    • 321 sticker board
    • YakAttack Leaderboard
  2. The fish must be facing to the left with the tail to the right and the belly of the fish facing the angler.
  3. The fish must be submitted in 0.25” increments.
  4. If the tail is not obviously touching or crossing a measurement line, it will be rounded down to the next lower quarter inch length.
  5. The nose must be pressed up against the post of the measuring device.  Please ensure that shadows do not obscure the nose and post.  If the judge cannot see that the nose is clearly up against the post, the angler will face a 0.5” length deduction.
  6. For trout, flounder, and bass, the fish's mouth MUST be closed.  If the mouth is open, it will be a minimum deduction of 0.25".  If the mouth is excessively open, it may be more at the discretion of the judge.  Redfish do not have to have their mouths closed.
  7. You may leave fish retaining devices in the fish's mouth, but there will be a 0.5" deduction.  This deduction may be inclusive or in addition to the open mouth penalty at the judge's discretion.
  8. The mouth, eye, and tail must be visible for the picture to be accepted, with the tail flat on the measuring board.
  9. The top lobe of the tail of your fish must be inside the boundaries of your board.  If using a Check it stick, the top lobe must be over the lines on the flat (bottom) portion of your board, and not over the slanted lip on the side.
  10. Pictures must be taken while in your kayak and showing your kayak and surrounding area in photo. 
  11. The picture must be taken overhead and not at an extreme angle.
  12. Picture will only be accepted if they include original metadata which contains GPS coordinates.
  13. The 3-digit tournament identifier code must be visible in the picture (written on a card or the back of your hand).  If written on a card, it cannot be placed on the fish.
  14. If the judge deems your picture to be inauthentic or otherwise too problematic to accept, it will be rejected. Appeals may be made to the tournament directors.
  15. Following completion of the tournament and awards ceremony, anglers may make a formal written request that their entry is deleted from TourneyX. Doing so will delete all of the fish pictures, metadata, GPS, and statistics from the angler’s TourneyX account. This means these pictures/metadata/GPS will no longer be accessible to anyone including the angler or judges. This is a permanent irreversible decision. Making this request will not disqualify the angler from qualifying for awards in this tournament.
Information and inquires email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1. Register through TourneyX!
2. Submit your fish via the app, instructional video can be found HERE 
Example of Acceptable Submission:
NOTE: Fish mouth closed, 3-Digit Code visible, ruler with clear 0.25" increment marks, and kayak visible.

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