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Cajun Kayak Angler Series Information

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CPS Online Tournament

From February to November members participate for free in LKFC's online Catch-Photo-Submit (CPS) event 

 Sponsored by Pack & Paddle 


Date: 2017 Challenge – March 15, 2017 – October 1, 2017
Entry Fee: FREE to paid members of LKFC
Entry period: Anytime during the open period of the contest.  
Must be a paid member of LKFC in good standing prior to submitting entries and at the conclusion of the contest.
Cajun Grand Slam – 3 species -  Four species are eligible but your final score will be made up of your three top individual entries.
Eligible Species include:
· Largemouth Bass
· Redfish
· Speckled Trout
· Flounder

1st in each category with more places possible (pending sponsorships)- Bass, Redfish, Trout, Flounder- Prizes TBD.  
*Angler can only win in one main category(1st,2nd,3rd) but may be eligible for secondary prizes. You can win in each division (Cajun Grand Slam, Fly Fishing)
*In case of ties at end of contest anglers will draw numbers with the highest number winning.  
Fly Fishing Division-  Fly rod caught fish may be entered in the Cajun Grand Slam Division but not both catagories.  Eligible Species for the fly rod include:
· Redfish
· Speckled Trout
· Largemouth Bass
Tournament Scoring:
Individual fish categories will be assigned a fixed number of points based on the number of participants entered in the contest.
At any time during the contest someone could catch and enter a fish so the fixed points will not be known until the end of the contest. The goal is to get the most points by trying to catch the longest fish in each category.  This makes each species equally as important and protects the tournament from being dominated by one really long catch.
Scoring Example:
With 60 people entered points will be awarded 1 to 60 for each individual category. The largest fish entered would receive 60 points and the smallest 1 point.  The top conceivable score would be 180 (60 points X 3 fish entered = 180) and only if the same person caught all the largest fish in all categories and entered them first.
Bonus Scoring
Anglers will need to add the bonus 0.25" to their catch length when they submit their entry
Bonus inches (.25”) will be awarded to each individual entry that has been tagged with a LDWF/CCA Louisiana Cooperative Marine Fish Tagging Program yellow tag.  The Marine Fish Tagging Program tag must be clearly visible in the photo submission and the number recorded on the submission card. Tag numbers will be verified with LDWF/CCA. Maximum bonus would be .75”or ¾” (.25” X 3 fish categories submitted, except fly fishing division would be .50")
Rules and Regulations
1.  All catches must be submitted by email and pictures entered on forum(details to be announced)
2.  Copy of the Entry Detail will be posted to the web site in March 2017.
3.  Any Entry submitted without complete information will not be considered for entry.
4.  A picture of fish must be submitted along with each Entry.
5.  Pictures must be taken while in your kayak and showing kayak and surrounding area in photo. Note: Fly Rod Division - picture must also show fly reel and fly used in picture.
6.  Photos and entries must be submitted within 48 hours of catch except on last day of event all photos need to be
submitted by midnight on October 1, 2016.
7.  A physical token will be required in each picture with fish.  This is the 2017 CPR image on top of this page .  Date of catch will be used as a tie breaker to score same size entries.
8. Pictures must be taken with fish on a store bought ruler.
9. Fishes mouth must be closed and fish must lay natural. Inches will be deducted for a fish photo with excessively open mouths.
10. You may use bands to secure fish for photo.
11. Pinched tails allowed, fish should lay as natural as possible..
12. Avoid having hands in photo.
13. You can upgrade as many times as needed during the contest.
14. Fish must be caught in any public accessible water in the state of Louisiana
15. There are no size and/or "slot" limit, unless you plan on keeping fish so bull redfish are eligible.
16. Artificial and live bait, GULP, scent sprays and dips are all allowed.
17. Paddle-craft or Pedal-craft Only - No gas engines or “mother ships”
18. To accommodate senior citizens(55+) or physically challenged individuals trolling motors allowed.
19. All anglers must wear an approved PFD and have required USCG safety equipment while competing.   
20. You are allowed to wade fish or fish off of the bank as long as you are fishing within 100 feet of your launched paddle craft.

Information and inquires email
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 All photo entries to be submitted at website.
First Register
1. Click on the "Registration" button on the event or rule page or go to
2. Select "Other Kayak Fishing Events"
3. Select the 2017 Lafayette Kayak Fishing Club Cajun Grand Slam Catch-Photo-Release Challenge
4. Click on the "Registration" button and follow instruction to enter your name and any other required information.
5. At registration each member will be prompted to enter their name(first and last), email, phone number, city and state.
6. Select the event you will be entering - Fly Rod Division or Cajun Grand Slam.  If you are fishing both challenges you will need to go through the registration again and select the other event. 
To submit photo entries go to and select "Submit Entry"
* Select your name from the list and follow the instruction to upload your photo entry.
* All photo entries will be reviewed for fish size as submitted and to insure they meet the qualification for the event.  
Information and inquires email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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