Section 1. Membership Applications
Application for membership shall be made through the Lafayette Kayak Fishing Club’s website
( through the online membership form. The first year’s dues and a
digitally signed waiver of liability must accompany the application.
Paper based membership applications may be used during special events, membership drives, or in the
event the club’s website is down. The first year’s dues and a signed waiver of liability must accompany
the application, which will be forwarded to the treasurer for processing.
Section 2. Membership Fees Annual dues
$35 + PayPal fee payable in full with completed application, this payment is valid for one full year of
membership. The membership will automatically renew after one full year.
Membership dues may be increased by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and confirmation of
the general membership. Such increases will take effect thirty (30) days after posting notice of increase
on the club forum.
Section 3. Meetings
A. Regular Membership Meetings
Regular Membership Meetings of the general membership shall occur at least four (4) times per year.
These meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Pack and Paddle at 6 PM CST. Meeting
dates, time and location are subject to change. Any such change will be posted in advance.
In addition to business at hand, Regular Membership Meetings will include Association updates, guest
speakers, and or outreach efforts.
B. Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee will meet on an as needed basis.
C. Board of Director Meetings
The Board of Directors shall formally meet at least once (1) per quarter. Summary notes of non-sensitive
subjects shall be provided to the membership within fourteen (14) days of the meeting and only after
being reviewed by a majority of the Executive Committee for accuracy purposes. If a member would like
to request a topic be added to the agenda for a future board meeting, the member must do so in writing to
one of the elected officers; email or private forum message shall be sufficient. Such requests will be
handled as time allows and in order of importance in the best interest of the organization.
D. Special Meetings
The President shall call Special Membership Meetings with the approval of the Executive Committee.
Notice of Special Membership Meetings shall be sent via email to Members at least one (1) week in
advance of the meeting date. No business shall be transacted at a Special Meeting except that for which
notice is given.
Section 4. Order of Business
The order of business at all meetings shall be in accordance with an accepted rule of order as delineated
in Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 5. Elections
A. Officer Elections
The President, Vice President, Secretary, Tournament Director and Treasurer shall be elected at
the November general membership meeting and shall hold office for one year beginning with the first
meeting of January.
B. Nomination
Candidates for all elected offices shall be nominated before or during the meeting prior to the November
General Meeting with additional floor nominations accepted at the time of election. All nominations shall
be made by the following methods:
1. by a special nomination committee consisting of three (3) Members, including no more than
two Board members, appointed by the Executive Committee to nominate a slate of qualified
candidates for each office to be filled or
2. by nomination made by a Member and seconded by any other Member.
C. Voting
Voting shall be by ballots for each candidate. Election shall require affirmative votes from a majority of
members present. Members must be present to vote. Voting may be conducted electronically (via e-mail
or on website) if feasible. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the elections.
D. Vacancies
Nominations to fill the unexpired term of a vacant office shall be made from the floor of the Meeting at
which the election to fill the vacant office is held after announcing the election via email to Members at
least two weeks in advance. Voting shall be conducted as described in Section 3 above.
Section 6. Operating Fund
Funds in excess of two hundred dollars ($200) shall be deposited by the Secretary / Treasurer in a
depository approved by the Executive Committee. These funds shall be the Operating Fund of the Club.
Funds less than two hundred dollars ($200) may be kept as cash on hand to meet minor expenses.
Section 7. Member Conduct
A. Forum Membership
Forum usage is open to the public; however, premium features and certain private topics may be made
available to the paid members of the LKFC. Any forum user may be censured or banned from the forum,
or any part thereof, for a specific period of time as decided by the Board for violation of forum guidelines.
If a member is banned from the forum, as described above, then no refund, neither partial nor in-full,
would be due to the member as a result of lost forum privileges. Club membership may be revoked if a
member continues to abuse forum privileges. Forum guidelines shall be reviewed on an annual basis by
the Board, with any changes being approved by the general membership.
B. Tournament Participation
1. Suspected Violation Procedure
Since cheating in a tournament is a crime in Louisiana, all anglers are encouraged to report rule
violations. Any angler reporting a violation of the rules and regulations of a LKFC hosted
tournament may be asked to appear before the Executive Committee to provide a detailed
explanation of events and circumstances before action is taken. Any participant suspected to be
in violation of the rules and regulations of a LKFC hosted tournament may be required to appear
before the Executive Committee, at a separate time, in order to provide a detailed explanation of
events and circumstances surrounding the reported violation(s). The participant may be asked to
take a polygraph test. If the participant in question fails to appear before the Executive Committee
after reasonable attempts to schedule such meeting are made and/or the Executive Committee
unanimously decides a willful violation has occurred, any and all prizes that were awarded (or the
monetary equivalent based on the MSRP of the manufacturer of the item) to the participant during
the tournament(s) in which the violation(s) occurred must be returned to the Club within thirty (30)
days of the official announcement and/or appropriate criminal complaints will be filed with all
necessary legal departments. Regardless of outcome, the Club shall not reimburse membership
dues or tournament entry fees to any participant brought before the Executive Committee as a
result of alleged violation(s).
2. Banning and Reinstatement
Any person found guilty of a willful violation of a LKFC tournament shall be banned from all future
LKFC tournaments for a period of at least three (3) years; more may be required as deemed
appropriate by the Executive Committee. If reinstatement is to be granted prior to the designated
time period, a written request must be presented to the Executive Commitee by the banned party
outlining the violations that occurred and what measures will be taken in order to prevent
reoccurrences. The request shall be accompanied by no less than twenty-five (25) dated original
signatures of current members with no less than twelve (12) consecutive months of membership
each. Such request will not guarantee reinstatement. The request must first be approved by a
majority vote of the Executive Committee.
3. Right of Refusal
The Executive Committee reserves the right to refuse tournament entry to anyone as it sees fit and
Section 8. Expulsions
If any member is charged with improper conduct or with violating the provisions of the Constitution or By-
Laws of the Club, such charges shall be brought before the Executive Committee for review. If such
charges are found to have sufficient weight, a member of the Executive Commite shall notify the member of the
charges at least one week before the next meeting of the Association. The Member shall be required to
appear at such meeting and show just cause, why he/she should not be censured, deprived of the
privileges of the Association, or expelled from membership in the Club. If the Member fails to appear at
such meeting or is found guilty of the charge, the Member shall, upon a majority vote of the Members
present, be censured, be deprived of the privileges of the Club, or be expelled from membership in the
Section 9. Association Termination
In the event of termination of the Club any remaining Club funds and assets shall be dispersed to a
charitable organization selected by a majority decision of the Executive Committee.
Section 10. Enacting Clause
These Bylaws, or any amendment thereof, shall take effect immediately following ratification by the membership
at a meeting called for such purpose
LKFC Constitution
Section 1. Name
The Association shall be called Lafayette Kayak Fishing Club, Inc (LKFC) and shall operate as a non-
profit organization (501c6).
Section 2. Purpose
To support and promote the sport of fishing from paddle craft in coastal and surrounding areas.
Sections 3. Goals
As a recreational organization, the Club'ss goals shall be to:
1. Organize kayak anglers in the Acadiana area and beyond.
2. Support and promote the safe and responsible pursuit of the sport of kayak fishing.
3. Promote fellowship and provide a fun meeting place for kayak fishermen.
4. Provide forum for exchange of ideas, fishing information and rigging tips.
5. Sponsor events, group outings and kayak fishing tournaments.
6. Provide public presence to protect interests of kayak fisherman.
Section 4. Membership
A. Age
Any person over the age of twelve (12) years who fishes from a canoe, pirogue, or kayak may
become a Member of the LKFC by complying with provisions specified in the By-Laws. Those
members age eighteen (18) years or older are eligible to vote and to hold office.
B. Honorary Membership
Any person over the age of twelve (12) years who the Club desires to honor may be elected an
Honorary Member by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Honorary
Members will enjoy for the current year the same privileges as regular members except for voting
and holding office.
C. Honorary Life Membership
A member who has performed truly outstanding service for the Club may be granted an Honorary
Life Member by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Honorary
Life Members will enjoy for life the same privileges as regular members.
Section 5. Officers
The officers are charged with making the decisions required for operation of the Club, The
Officers of the Club will be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Director, and Past President.
Section 6. Executive Committee
A. Members
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Director. The Executive Committee shall be the policy making body of the Club, with the recommended policies being subject to the final approval of the membership
B. Authority
The Executive Committee will be authorized to make any and all routine decisions in the best interest of
the organization. Routine decisions include, but are not limited to:
1. Appointment of forum moderators
2. Any and all expenditures directly related to a LKFC hosted event or the promotion of the Club.
3. Charitable support of worthy causes totaling Five Hundred Dollars ($500), or less, per cause.
4. Contracts with sponsors and other organizations.
5. Tournament dates, rules, rules interpretation, and appointment of volunteer committee
6. Interpretation of the LKFC Bylaws and Constitution
Any decisions that are not deemed as “routine” by majority vote of the Executive Committee, shall first be
approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, and then be submitted for review and approval
of the general membership.
Section 7. Duties
A. President
It shall be the duty of the President:
a. To preside at meetings and conduct them in accordance with accepted rules of order (Robert's
Rules of Order).
b. To schedule and preside over meetings of the Executive Committee
c. To appoint temporary vacancies subject to approval by the membership.
d. To appoint various committees as necessary.
B. Vice President
It shall be the duty of the Vice President:
a. To be responsible for a program at Regular Members Meetings.
b. To assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties.
c. To preside in the absence of the President.
d. To ensure the documents of incorporation of the Club are kept current.
e. To work with the Treasurer for all dues collected at tournament.
C. Treasurer (May be combined with Secretary)
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:
a. To keep a log of proceedings of the Club Meetings.
b. To maintain custody of all reports and documents connected with the Club.
c. To keep a current and correct Membership roster.
d. To conduct the Club’s Correspondence.
e. To collect all monies due, to have charge of the funds of the Club, and to keep a correct record
and account of all monies received and paid out.
f. To deposit the funds of the Club, in the name of the Club, in a depository or depositories
approved by the Executive Committee.
g. To present at each Meeting a report stating the financial condition of the Club.
h. To present a written annual financial statement for the prior calendar year at the first Regular
Meeting of the year.
D. Secretary (May be combined with Treasurer)
It shall be the duty of the Secretary:
a. To keep a log of proceedings of the Club Meetings.
b. To conduct the Club’s Correspondence for meetings, events and tournament announcements
through the website, email, social media and other sites.
c. To assist the Webmaster in updating the events pages, newsletters and announcements to the
E. Past President
Upon the new President taking office, the outgoing President shall serve as Past President on the
Board of Directors for a period of one year. It shall be the duty of the Past President:
a. To provide guidance and consultation to the President and Executive Committee.
b. To preside in the absence of both the President and Vice President.
F. Tournament Director
It shall be the duty of the Tournament Director:
a. Present to the Board of Directors a tournament schedule and tournament formats
b. Lead and organize tournaments (Participation, launches, weigh-in, recognize winners, etc)
c. Accept official protests/rules violation reports and present to the Executive Committee
G. Appointed Positions
a. Weigh-master
b. Sponsorship Coordinator
c. Outreach Coordinator
d. Youth Outreach
Section 8. Nominations
Nominations for Officers of the Club shall be made as provided in the By-Laws.
Section 9. Election
The Officers of the Club shall be elected annually by majority vote of the members present.
Section 10. Term of Office
The term of office of each Officer shall be one year.
Section 11. Vacancy
In the event of a vacancy occurring in any office, the vacancy shall be made known, and a successor for
the remaining term of office shall be elected at the next meeting of the Club.
Section 12. Compensation
Officers shall receive no financial compensation, no decrease in membership dues and no other fiscal
benefit of the Association.
Section 13. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be the policy making body of the Club, with the recommended policies
being subject to the approval of the membership. The Executive Committee shall be made up of the the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Tournament Director, each having one vote.
See Section 6 for membership
Section 14. Quorum
A. Membership Quorum
A quorum for the transaction of business at a members meeting, including election of officers, shall
consist of ten (10) or greater of the voting membership.
B. Executive Committee Quorum
A quorum for the transaction of business at Executive Committee meetings shall consist of four (4) of the
five (5) Members.
C. Board of Directors Quorum
A quorum for the transaction of business at Board of Director meetings shall require at least 5 board
members to be present.
Section 15. Removal and Expulsions
Any elected officer may be removed from office and any Member of the Association may be expelled from
the Association, for cause, in the manner prescribed in the By-Laws.
Section 16. Amendments
The Constitution and Bylaws of the Club may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members
present at a Regular Meeting or Special Meeting provided that the proposed amendment has been
posted via the Club Forum to Members at least two weeks before being voted upon. The Constitution and By-Laws, when amended, shall be revised and reposted on the Club Website.
Section 17. Enacting Clause
This Constitution shall take effect January 1, 2009
Amended February xx, 2019